
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I gotta get a new balm.

I haven't been able to leave comments lately, for some reason. If you're someone whose blog I usually read and you feel like I've been neglecting you lately, chances are I've tried to say at least 3 witty things to you but the comments haven't registered. So try this fun exercise: Pick one of your recent blog posts and an item from the following list, and pretend that I left it as a comment, then you can feign the appropriate emotional response with gestures and facial expressions to match.

Things Bensaki Probably Tried Saying to You:

-I agree with you, but [arbitrary point of contention that has little to do with the main point of your post].
-You're a dork, but I'm calling you a dork through the dorky medium of the internet, so that makes me question the very foundations of the universe practically.
-Bla bla silly word bla.
-A pox on both your mouses.
-You might think that now, but if you were a rabid dog, you would think "ARF RARF RARF BARF BLARF!"
-You/I have a [ridiculous noun] for a head.
-That was a pretty good insight, but the best inn sites are Park Place and Boardwalk.
-Have you ever vomited all your emotions onto your keyboard and it sounded like "BLOOOOOOG!"?
-You/I have a ridiculous noun for a head.

That should keep everyone sated until I can leave comments again, but if for some reason you are still unhappy, write me a request and I will send you a personalized comment via telepathy or, where applicable, telephony.

*EDIT: Isral gets an A+ for this exercise. Or maybe a check plus. I got a check plus on an exercise once, I think. Isn't Check Plus one of those cash advance places?

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