
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Reek up your freak

Yesterday we ran out of vember. There's none left. There was an abundant supply about six months ago, in May, and we harnked it up like a fossil fuel since then, until yesterday when we plain ran out. Poor timing, too, since it doesn't start growing again until the first of December. Until then, we'll just have to live with this vemberless state we've put ourselves in.

In other news, todaybor day is election day. If you think about civic duty as though it's a class, i'm probably failing it. I mean, i showed up for the exam today, but i hadn't studied very hard, so i only recognized like three of the questions. Shame on me. And it was all multiple choice, too.

For Halloween i dressed up as a cardinal. The catholic sort, not the aviary. I wore the costume twice, and both times someone wanted to photograph me standing between two sexily costumed women. It's a pretty funny idea for a picture, really, but it might have the unfortunate side effect of making people think i have some inordinate degree of mojo. Which i don't, it was just the costume. Anyway, i had fun bestowing blessings on people left and right and being seen with my suspected mistress, Little Red Riding Hood. Halloween can be just as fun when you grow up, as long as you have the whimsy for it.

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