
Sunday, April 18, 2004

Oh, I'll freak you up, alright... WITH A FRYING PAN!

Since all of you were so nice as to leave me suggestions, i will use each suggestion over the next several posts, excluding matt's, not only for reasons of personal grudge, but because i have already posted so many times about dumplings. (but mostly for reasons of personal grudge.) So today's suggestion is: zebras.

A zebra and a rhinoceros were arguing about morality. (Ooh, i can see where this is going already.) One of them brought up the classic question of whether stealing to save a life is wrong.

"Of course it's wrong," said the rhinoceros. "Morality is not dictated by circumstances. What's wrong is wrong, despite the best intentions."

"There's a problem with your point of view," replied the zebra, "and that is that you see everything as black and white. From where I'm looking, there's a large, heavy, quadrupedal grey area."

"The thing that's wrong with you," said the rhinoceros with a snort, "is that you go prancing and leaping from one moral stand to another, grazing on whatever ideas seem greenest to you at the time, and when your code of ethics doesn't look so good anymore, you go find another. You need to draw the line somewhere. And it needs to be one line, not a zig-zagged pattern of stripes."

"That's easy for someone as thick-skinned as you," said the zebra. "But you can't just horn in on other people's points of view, or..."

Before he could finish, Pun-Tor the Avenger drove up in a safari jeep and devoured them both.

The moral of the story: When it comes to ravenous, pun-detesting monsters, debate can quickly become da bait. *CRUNCH*

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