
Saturday, December 13, 2003

I still want a hula hoop.

College is a funny place. I keep seeing these sweatshirts that say things like "North Basketball" and i think, "Hey, he went to North?" And then i say, "Oh... yeah. That could be Anywhere North." I'm not sure everyone who gets accepted into college really deserves to be there.

In other news, I received this letter today from an unconfident entrepreneur who seeks my advice on matters vital to his future success. I'm still not sure how to answer it, but I'll let you take a look, and maybe you'll know what to tell this guy.

Dear Bensaki,

I desperately want to cash in on the new janitorial craze that is sweeping the nation. I am going to open a school for janitors, custodians, maids, and anyone who dreams of holding a dust rag. The trouble is, I'm torn between two excellent names for my institute. Should I call it "University of Dishwashington" or "Land of Mopportunity?" Knowing you to be the nation's top expert in this sort of thing, I have written to urgently request your unerring guidance. I await your reply atop a tall ladder in front of my building, hammer and chisel in hand.

Most likely, I remain
Shoeshine Todd

P.S: Please hurry. The school opens in half an hour.

As you can see, I am quite at a loss. University of Dishwashington? Land of Mopportunity? I fear for my career if this man had chosen to become a writer instead of a district scrubberintendent.

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