
Friday, September 05, 2003

Pronouncing it Wronger Every Day

welcome back to bensaki.blogspot.com, the only blog that consistently talks about itself in every post. i tell you, it's been hard busting out quality posts for a solid five days. so hard, in fact, that i've become compelled to write a blues song about it. i trust you all know the classic blues riff that consists of root, fourth, minor third, root, and is usually played in between growled phrases such as "well my baby done left me" or "well i've got amnesia" or some such sorrowful, longing remarks. that riff will here be represented by the phonetic phrase "da neewww na newt" and will be interlaced with my poetic angst. sing the riff to yourself, or hire a friend to perform it for you, perhaps on the guitar or harmonica, then imagine me growling the lyrics in between. imagination: it's even better than mp3s, but not nearly as compatible with most operating systems. okay, got your impromtu blues ensemble together? here we go. it's called "the oh crap is life ever hard since i started writing this blog because now i have to take twenty minutes out of every day to think of something funny even though half the time i can't think of anything funny and i don't know how to use html so my site looks all dumb blues." hope you enjoy it.

da neewww na newt
well i've got this here weblog
da neewww na newt
that drives me nuts
da neewww na newt
said i've got this here weblog
da neewww na newt
that smells like nuts
da neewww na newt
and what happens if someone
da neewww na newt
is allergic to nuts?
da neewww na newt
if they come to my weblog
da neewww na newt
man that would be nuuuuuuts... woh woh woh woooooh

da neewww na newt
well i sit on my laptop
da neewww na newt
twenty minutes a day
da neewww na newt
and then when i try to use it
da neewww na newt
it's been crushed by the enormous weight of my bootay
da neewww na newt
and then when i think of
da neewww na newt
something to post
da neewww na newt
it seems like i always
da neewww na newt
get this craving for toast

da neewww na newt
this craving for toast!
da neewww na newt
this craving for toast!
da neewww na newt
lawd, where is that toast?
da neewww na newt
gotta get me some TOOOOOOOAST!!!!!
*tight little blues lick ending*

man, that song rocked. i hope you experienced it the way i did. hear what i heard. feel what i felt. oh man, i'm gonna go get some toast.

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