
Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Next Week: She Stole My Dramatic Monologue, So I'm Stealing Her Man!

i’ve been inspired. i hope i don’t get expired. have you ever tried to prepone your birthday? i did this year, but my mom wouldn’t let me. i was trigued. anyway. back to my inspiration. while i was watching my favorite musical talk show, The Phantom of Oprah, i was struck by said inspiration. or maybe it wasn’t The Phantom of Oprah. maybe it was A MidSpringer Night’s Dream, or Swan Ricki Lake. whichever. but i was struck by this inspiration. here it is, in the form of a rhetorical question: why is it that the big-name alarm clock manufacturers are growing hideously and gluttonously richer every day while our nation’s unemployed bagpipe player population sits starving upon its collective butt in the gutter? if this isn’t a true case of social injustice, i don’t know what is. and i know how to rectify it (rectify is a funny word). since you’ve already worked out the solution in your head according to the context clues like the good little fourth-grade-story-problem-solvers you are, i will spare myself the trouble of spelling out the solution and go catch the chilling conclusion of today’s episode of Regis and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

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